
Assistance In Living Arrangements (Host Family/Alternative Family Situation)

Support Category

PACE: 01: Daily Activities
MyPlace: 01: Daily Activities

Sequence Number


Registration Group

0115: Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement

Outcome domain

1: Daily Living

Support Purpose

1: Core

Where a support item does not have a price limit then the provider and participant should agree on the reasonable price for the support. If necessary, they should also agree on the billing schedule for the support. In the NDIS Support Catalogue marked under empty type.

Line Item Description

Agreement for a participant with high support needs to stay with a host family. The host family will have minimum qualifications & provide support in the home for the agreed time. The quote will reflect the hours of assistance required & length of stay.

Line Item Parameters

  • Non-Face-To-Face

    Some activities can be delivered without the participant percent

  • Provider Travel

    Some providers can charge participants for the time it takes them to travel and deliver support

  • Quote Required
  • Short notice cancellations
  • NDIA requested reports
  • Irregular SIL reports