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For your own protection, you need to ensure all new staff forms are completed. This includes:
- TFN Tax Declaration
- Super Choice form
- Employee details form
- Award level and rate and their acknowledgement that they have been given access to the Award conditions. It’s important to find out what your employee should get by reading the award/agreement If you need help finding out which award or agreement applies visit www.fairwork.gov.au/awards
- Letter of engagement, including employee probation period
- Job description
- Fair Work Information Statement, available to print at www.fairwork.gov.au/fwis (this must be given to every new employee when they start work)
- Copies of any relevant company policies such as a code of conduct, uniform or social media policies
You can put Employee Forms kit together so you have them readily available for new staff.
When aVers is processing payroll we absolutely have to have all of the above (it is the law)

Employee Details required
- Full name, address, and mobile number
- Contact details for next of kin details for emergencies
- Bank details for electronic wage
- Authority to email their payslips
- Award/Agreement
- Employee pay rate, employment basis, classification and any allowances
- Award must be easily accessible for employees
- Once STP starts (1 Jul 2018 for companies with over 19 employees) MyGov registration

Tax File Declaration
Tax File Declaration areas to pay attention to include:
- Tax File Number
- Claiming tax-free threshold
- Are they required to pay HELP/HECS
- Is the employee a foreign resident or a Working Holiday Maker (Visa 462 and 417)
Section A of the Tax File Declaration is to be completed by the employee and Section B is to be completed by the employer.

Super Choice Form
The required details for the Super Choice Form are:
- Employer default fund
- Employee Tax File Number
- Employee’s choice of fund
- Employee’s fund USI
- Employee’s fund name and membership number
- Employee with a self-managed super fund requires an ESA id
It is important to note that the employee’s details used in the super fund must be the same in payroll.

Fair Work Information Statement
The Fair Work Information Statement outlines the 10 NES Standards:
- Maximum weekly hours
- Requests for flexible working arrangements
- Parental leave and related entitlements
- Annual leave
- Personal carers leave
- Compassionate leave
- Community service leave
- Long service leave
- Public holidays
- Notice of termination and redundancy
Casual employees only receive NES entitlements related to:
- Unpaid carer’s leave
- Unpaid compassionate leave
- Community service leave
- Fair Work information statement
Use the form below to download all your employee forms: