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Tailoring the right solution for each business is what we are passionate about. Based on an initial chat with you, we'll be able to prepare a unique proposal for you and your business. We are based in Brisbane
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The Small Business Superannuation Clearing House (the Clearing House) has just issued a warning for people looking to claim super salary sacrificed amounts for this financial year. Contributions must be received by your fund by the June 30 deadline.
Payments other than superannuation guarantee contributions such as ‘salary sacrifice’ payments are not considered to have been made until the date the super fund receives the payment, even if you use the Small Business Superannuation Clearing House. To ensure this payments via the Clearing House must be made by no later than 6:00pm (AEST) Tuesday 23 June 2015.
The Clearing House has introduced a new Salary Sacrifice field to distinguish SS from SGC payments. This field will be available from July 1 2015.
Avers offer a service to assist with set up and lodgement of SGC and SS contributions via the Clearing House. Please contact on 07 3314 6047 us for more information or register interest below.
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