Any NDIS service provided to you will have a series of line item numbers assigned to it.
What is a line item number?
A line item number is a number that lets the NDIS know the exact support type that has been provided.
Note: Providers should claim payments against the support item that aligns to the service they have delivered. If the funding is plan managed, plan managers would help you with selecting the correct line item, accurately reflecting the service.
How does the NDIS create line item numbers?
EXAMPLE of an NDIS Line Item Number:

An NDIS line item number is actually five different numbers joined together (see above):
- A Support Category Number
- A Sequence Number
- A Registration Group Number
- An Outcome Domain Number
- A Support Purpose Number
Outcome Domain
This an element of NDIS line item numbes, that allows NDIA to track supports and desirable outcomes.
There are 8 outcome domains, according to NDIS Outcomes Framework:
- Daily Living
- Home
- Health and Wellbeing
- Lifelong Learning
- Work
- Social and Community Participation
- Relationships
- Choice and Control

Support Category
This number shows the outcome domain, according to NDIS Outcomes Framework (see above):
- 01 Assistance with Daily Life (Outcome Domain: Daily Living) - support related to assisting with and/or supervising personal tasks of daily life to enable the participant to live as autonomously as possible. In the MyPlace portal it is shown as: Daily Activities.
- 02 Transport (Outcome Domain: Daily Living) - enables participants to access disability supports outside their home, and to pay for transport that helps them to achieve the goals in their plan. Transport supports generally do not have price limits; however, participants should use the least expensive transport that meets their needs.
- 03 Consumables (Outcome Domain: Daily Living) - support category available to assist participants with purchasing everyday use items. Supports such as Continence and Home Enteral Nutrition (HEN) products are included in this category. Shown in the MyPlace portal as: Consumables.
- 04 Assistance with Social, Economic and Community Participation (Outcome Domain: Social and Community Participation + Work) - supports enabling a participant to engage in community, social or recreational activities. They may be provided in a centre or in community settings at standard or higher intensity rates. In the MyPlace portal it is shown as: Social, community and civic participation.
- 05 Assistive Technology (Outcome Domain: Daily Living) - support category includes all aids or equipment supports that assist participants to live independently or assist a carer to support the participant. It also includes related delivery, set-up and some training support items. In the MyPlace portal it is shown as: Assistive Technology.
- 06 Home Modifications and Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA) (Outcome Domain: Home) Home modifications include design, construction, installation of or changes to equipment or non-structural components of the building, and installation of fixtures or fittings, to enable participants to live as independently as possible or to live safely at home. SDA funding is intended for participants who require a specialist dwelling that reduces their need for person-to-person supports, or improves the efficiency of the delivery of person-to-person supports. In the MyPlace portal it is shown as: Home Modifications.
- 07 Support Coordination (Outcome Domain: Choice and Control) - fixed amount for strengthening participant’s abilities to coordinate and implement supports in their plans and to participate more fully in the community. In MyPlace it is shown as: Support Coordination.
- 08 Improved Living Arrangements (Outcome Domain: Home) is provided to guide, prompt, or undertake activities to ensure the participant obtains and/or retains appropriate accommodation. This may include assisting to apply for a rental tenancy or to undertake tenancy obligations in line with the participant’s tenancy agreement. In MyPlace it is shown as: CB Home Living.
- 09 Increased Social and Community Participation (Outcome Domain: Social and Community Participation) - supports for participation in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing the community. In MyPlace it is shown as: CB Social Community and Civic Participation.
- 10 Finding and Keeping a Job (Outcome Domain: Work) supports provide workplace assistance that enables a participant to successfully obtain and/or retain employment in the open or supported labour market. In the MyPlace portal it will be shown as: CB Employment.
- 11 Improved Relationships (Outcome Domain: Relationships) is the provision of specialised assessment where the participant may have complex or unclear needs, requiring long term and/or intensive supports to address behaviours of concern. In the MyPlace portal it will be shown as: CB Relationships.
- 12 Improved Health and Wellbeing (Outcome Domain: Health and Wellbeing) maintain or increase physical mobility or well-being through personal training or exercise physiology. Physical well-being activities promote and encourage improved physical capacity and health. In the MyPlace portal it will be shown as: CB Health and Wellbeing.
- 13 Improved Learning (Outcome Domain: Lifelong Learning) is for provision of skills training, advice, assistance with arrangements and orientation to assist a participant moving from school to further education. In the MyPlace portal it is shown as: CB Lifelong Learning.
- 14 Improved Life Choices (Outcome Domain: Choice and Control) reasonable and necessary support focuses on strengthening the participant's ability to undertake tasks associated with the management of their supports. In the MyPlace portal it is shown as: CB Choice and Control.
- 15 Improved Daily Living Skills (Outcome Domain: Daily Living) - mainly used for therapy, includes assessment, training, strategy development and/or therapy (including Early Childhood Intervention) supports to assist the development or increase a participant’s skills and/or capacity for independence and community participation. Supports can be delivered to individuals or groups. In the MyPlace portal it is shown as: CB Daily Activity.
- 16 Home and Living - PACE only
- 17 Specialised Disability Accommodation SDA - PACE only
- 18 Recurring Transport - PACE only
- 19 Assistive Technology, Maintenance, Repair and Rental - PACE only
- 20 Behaviour Support - PACE only
- 21 Young People in Residential Aged Care (YPIRAC) - PACE only
Support Purpose
NDIS participant budgets are allocated to three separate support purposes:
- CORE - Supports that enable participants to complete activities of daily living. Participant budgets often have a lot of flexibility to choose specific supports with their core support budgets, but cannot reallocate this funding for other support purposes (i.e. capital or capacity building supports).
- CAPITAL - Investments, such as assistive technologies - equipment, home or vehicle modifications, or for Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA). Participant budgets for this support purpose are restricted to specific items identified in the participant’s plan.
- CAPACITY BUILDING - Supports that enable a participant to build their independence and skills.
Registration Group
There are currently 36 registration groups used:
- General registration group:
- 0101 Accommodation / Tenancy Assistance
- 0102 Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education
- 0104 High Intensity Daily Personal Activities
- 0106 Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions And Supports
- 0107 Daily Personal Activities - support in home form support worker (eg. helping with yard and home cleaning)
- 0108 Assistance with Travel/Transport Arrangements
- 0115 Assistance with Daily Life Tasks in a Group or Shared Living Arrangement
- 0116 Innovative Community Participation - social, economic activities with support workers, including transport (eg. going to a supermarket and/or concert)
- 0117 Development of Daily Living and Life Skills
- 0120 Household Tasks
- 0125 Participation in Community, Social and Civic Activities
- 0127 Management of Funding for Supports in Participants’ Plans
- 0129 Specialised Driver Training
- 0130 Assistance Animals
- 0131 Specialised Disability Accommodation
- 0133 Specialised Supported Employment
- 0136 Group and Centre Based Activities
- Professional Registration Groups
- 0110 Specialist Positive Behaviour Support
- 0114 Community Nursing Care
- 0118 Early Intervention Supports for Early Childhood
- 0119 Specialised Hearing Services
- 0121 Interpreting and Translation
- 0126 Exercise Physiology and Personal Training
- 0128 Therapeutic Supports
- 0132 Specialised Support Coordination (eg. help in organising services, quotes for assistive technology or home modifications)
- 0134 Hearing Services
- 0135 Customised Prosthetics
- Home and Vehicle Modification registration Groups
- 0109 Vehicle Modifications
- 0111 Home Modifications
- Assistive Technology and Equipment Registration Groups
- 0103 Assistive Products for Personal Care and Safety
- 0105 Personal Mobility Equipment
- 0112 Assistive Equipment for Recreation (eg. mobility equipment)
- 0113 Vision Equipment
- 0122 Hearing Equipment
- 0123 Assistive Products for Household Tasks
- 0124 Communication and Information Equipment
Sequence Number
Sequential numbers given to different services.
Note: This part allows a degree of flexibility for the system. Instead of endlessly adding new dimentions to Line Item Number structuring, the Sequence Numbers can be used.
Note 2: Sometimes we can find logic behind numbering of sequence number (eg. 590 for activity based transport), however, very often it it would end up being inconsistantly used by the NDIA. So, personally, I would not rely on Sequence Number and consistent meaning of it across the whole catalogue.