Let's Chat!
Tailoring the right solution for each business is what we are passionate about. Based on an initial chat with you, we'll be able to prepare a unique proposal for you and your business. We are based in Brisbane
Take a moment to connect with us using the form below, or call us directly on:
1300 255 337 (Mon. to Fri. 10 am - 4 pm):
There are four main places, where you can get the form:
- from ATO shopfronts
- order through online ordering (NAT 3092)
- order by phone 1300 720 092
- download it from ATO website, full in the form on screen or print the form and fill it in by hand
The ATO reviews the form annually, so order only what you need.
If you have employees you should be registered for PAYG and will generally withhold money from the payments you make to them on behalf of the ATO. This is called Pay As You Go withholding (PAYG withholding) and you must remit it to the ATO at the end of the period.
As an employer it is your responsibility to provide new employees with a TFN Declaration and a Super Choice Form for them to fill out and give back to you. It will help you or your bookkeeper to determine the amount of tax to be withheld.
This form has instructions and information on how to fill in a Tax File Number (TFN) Declaration.
If your employee doesn’t return the TFN Declaration, your business must withhold the top rate of tax plus the Medicare levy from all payments made to that employee, unless he/she qualifies for an exemption. Your employees have 28 days to give the TFN Declaration to you, before this requirement applies.
Note: It is an ATO requirement for the business to keep a signed copy on record. The TFN guidelines issued under the Privacy Act 1988 require you to use secure methods when storing and disposing of TFN information. You may store electronic files of scanned forms as an alternative to storing paper forms. Scanned forms must be clear and not altered in any way.
If an employee submits a new TFN Declaration, you must retain a copy of the earlier form for the current and following financial year. If the employee has not received payments from you for 12 months, you must retain a copy of the last completed form for the current and following financial year.
Requirements from aVers for Payroll Management
When a TFN Declaration is obtained from the employee you can send a photo of the signed form via aVers iBookkeep app or a scanned copy via email to accounts@avers.com.au. We will lodge the form on your behalf electronically.
We do require a TFN Declaration and Super Choice Form to help you set up any new employees in your accounting file. Additional information which would normally be on an internal employee details form are: rate of pay, employment classification or award (if applicable), employee bank account details, start date and pay cycle.
If you would like a copy of our Generic Employee Details Form please request it from bookkeeping@avers.com.au

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