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Tailoring the right solution for each business is what we are passionate about. Based on an initial chat with you, we'll be able to prepare a unique proposal for you and your business. We are based in Brisbane
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In the early 1900’s companies actually produced their own electricity. Since then the provision of electricity has evolved to a centralised model available to industry and households alike and now everyone is used to accessing it from the common grid.
In the same way IT services have evolved into a more centralised model making it more affordable and more accessible for all. Cloud services are now at the forefront of this trend. There are 4 models for cloud based IT services:
- Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). This is when we used to share storage needs, network. Very basic cloud sharing facilities. Collocation data centers to place your own server in.
- Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS). Providing a set of tools to start building your own corporate applications. Usually providing an operating system where your own software can be integrated and installed into.
- Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). Software application fully hosted by the software provider on their chosen servers and made accessible to user on a subscription basis. Usually highly scalable. No need for any desktop installations.Upgrades and updates are done in the background by the software provider. Multiple redundancy systems.
- Business Process-as-a-Service (BPaaS). A combination of not only software (SaaS) but also assistance with mapping and implementing part of your business processes online. A perfect combination of service and software as a seamless product.
BPaaS is where aVers Bookkeeping service is positioned. We set up access to best of breed independent software to take care of all your bookkeeping compliance requirements and to store all your data in your SaaS accounting file. In this way you own the data and source records, not your bookkeeper.

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