There are four types of NDIS Line Items:
Price Limited Supports
If there's a price limit on a support item, the provider can't charge the participant more than the limit. Providers should make claims in the units specified for the item and at the agreed unit price.
In the NDIS Support Catalogue marked under type: Price Limited Supports.
For example, 04_104_0125_6_1 - Access Community is a price limited support and on 24th of July 2023 maximum price in Queensland MMM 1-5: $65.47. However, support worker agree to provide the service at $45.00 per hour. The support worker provided 4 hours and 45 minutes of services. Following claim is made to the NDIA: Quantity = 7.75, Rate = 45, Unit = Hours.

‘Notional Unit Price’ Supports
‘Notional Unit Price’ Support Line Item is a type of line items under NDIS Pricing Arrangements. Supports are not subject to a price limit and $1.00 is not the maximum price to be charged for a unit, it is how a claim is made to the NDIA.
In the NDIS Support Catalogue marked under type: Unit Price = $1.
Each of the Notional Unit Prices might have their own pricing limits.
For example, 04_590_0125_6_1 - Activity Based Transport Line item is a ‘Notional Unit Price’ Support and the claim is made for 37 km of travel with a participant. Provider is charging $0.75 per km: 38 x 0.75 = 28.50. The claim to the NDIA will be: Quantity = 28.50 Rate = 1.00 Unit = Unit.

Not Price Limited Supports
Where a support item does not have a price limit then the provider and participant should agree on the reasonable price for the support. If necessary, they should also agree on the billing schedule for the support.
In the NDIS Support Catalogue marked under empty type.
For example, 03_090000911_0103_1_1 Low Cost AT - Line item is not price limited support and the claim is made for Folding Wheelchair Triton NC1020. Provider agreed to charge $325.00. The claim to the NDIA will be: Quantity = 325.00 Rate = 1.00 Unit = Each.

Quotable Supports
Quotable supports should only be claimed from a participant’s plan if the support is specifically included in the participant’s plan. Quotable support line items are subject to the conditions set out in the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits.
In the NDIS Support Catalogue marked under type: Quotable Supports.