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Recently we had a customer who has been receiving a lot of “bounced back” emails. It looked like someone has been using his company email address to send spam on their behalf.
When people send their emails they have to specify where they want their email to be delivered to. However, there are no specific rules as to what goes in the “From:” address. It is easy to edit the “From:” field and others can use your email address to send emails on your behalf without your knowledge. Spammers are very often using it, to send email, so innocent people are often getting blamed for sending spam.
Spammers often do this and innocent people are blamed for sending spam.
In order to deal with this problem you can ask your email or server administrator to edit your SPF record, or call us and we can help you.
SPF stands for Sender Policy Framework. It basically specifies on your domain name, the list of places (IP addresses and hosts) from which your emails can be sent. So the next time when spammers try to use it, servers almost all around the world will know that they are fake.
This solution has been used for decades now, however very few domain names are using it to protect their good name.
Side Effect
- If you are using other services to send emails on your behalf, like MailChimp or cloud accounting software, they need to be added to the list. Otherwise your emails from these services will not be delivered.
- Not all servers are using SPF protocol, so not all servers will filter out spammers. However, all reputable ones do so (eg. Google Apps, Gmail, Office 365, Hotmail).
If you need more information please follow these links to learn more:

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