CB HEALTH AND WELLBEING (also called IMPROVED HEALTH AND WELLBEING): For maintaining or increasing physical mobility or well-being through personal training or exercise physiology. Physical well-being activities promote and encourage improved physical capacity and health. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Health and Wellbeing. In the MyPlace portal and your NDIS Plan it will be shown as 'CB Health and Wellbeing'.
NDIS Line Item Numbers
Line Item Number | Support Name |
12_025_0128_3_3 | Advice provided by a Dietitian on managing diet for health and well-being |
12_027_0126_3_3 | Advice provided by an Exercise Physiologist regarding exercise required |
12_027_0128_3_3 | Exercise Physiology |
12_029_0126_3_3 | Personal training provided by a Personal Trainer to a participant |
12_799_0126_3_3 | Provider travel - CB Health and Wellbeing - Exercise Physiology and Personal Training - non-labour costs |
12_799_0128_3_3 | Provider travel - CB Health and Wellbeing - Therapeutic Supports - non-labour costs |