Supports that enable a participant to build their independence and skills.
The Capacity Building funding is allocated across eight support sub-categories, each matched with the goals in your plan. You can choose how to spend these funds to purchase any approved individual support within its category, but won’t be able to move funding from one category to another.
The Capacity Building support categories include:
- 07 Support Coordination
- 08 Home Living
- 09 Social and Community Participation
- 10 Employment
- 11 Relationships
- 12 Health and Wellbeing
- 13 Lifelong Learning
- 14 Choice and Control
- 15 Daily Activity
- 20 Behaviour Support
Support Coordination (if required) is included in the Capacity Building budget. This is a fixed amount for strengthening participant’s abilities to coordinate and implement supports in their plans and to participate more fully in the community.

CB in Line Item Numbers

Support Categories in CB
07 Support Coordination
Fixed amount for strengthening participant’s abilities to coordinate and implement supports in their plans and to participate more fully in the community. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Choice and Control. In the MyPlace portal it is shown as 'Support Coordination'.
08 Home Living
Provided to ensure the participant obtains and/or retains appropriate accommodation. This may include assisting to apply for a rental tenancy or to undertake tenancy obligations in line with the participant’s tenancy agreement. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Home. In MyPlace it is shown as 'CB Home Living'.
09 Social and Community Participation
Supports for participation in skills-based learning to develop independence in accessing the community. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Social and Community Participation. In MyPlace it is shown as 'CB Social Community and Civic Participation'.
10 Employment
Supports provide workplace assistance that enables a participant to successfully obtain and/or retain employment in the open or supported labour market. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Work. In the MyPlace portal and your NDIS Plan it will be shown as 'CB Employment'
11 Relationships
Provision of specialised assessment where the participant may have complex or unclear needs, requiring long term and/or intensive supports to address behaviours of concern. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Relationships. In the MyPlace and your NDIS Plan portal it will be shown as 'CB Relationships'.
12 Health and Wellbeing
For maintaining or increasing physical mobility or well-being through personal training or exercise physiology. Physical well-being activities promote and encourage improved physical capacity and health. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Health and Wellbeing. In the MyPlace portal and your NDIS Plan it will be shown as 'CB Health and Wellbeing'.
13 Lifelong Learning
Provision of skills training, advice and assistance with arrangements and orientation to assist a participant moving from school to further education. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Lifelong Learning. In the MyPlace portal and your NDIS Plan it is shown as 'CB Lifelong Learning'.
14 Choice and Control
Reasonable and necessary support focusing on strengthening the participant's ability to undertake tasks associated with the management of their supports. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Choice and Control. In the MyPlace portal and your NDIS Plan it is shown as 'CB Choice and Control'.
15 Daily Activity
Mainly used for therapy, but also includes assessment, training and strategy development (including Early Childhood Intervention). Supports assist the development of or increase a participant’s skills and/or capacity for independence and community participation. Supports can be delivered to individuals or groups. Usually associated with the Outcome Domain: Daily Living. In the MyPlace portal and your NDIS Plan it is shown as 'CB Daily Activity'.
PACE only
Active Line Items
Line Item Number | Support Name |
01_650_0118_1_3 | Occupational Therapist - Early Childhood - Core |
01_653_0118_1_3 | Speech Pathologist - Early Childhood - Core |
01_661_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training Supports - Occupational Therapist |
01_663_0118_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training Supports - Podiatrist |
01_663_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training Supports - Podiatrist |
01_665_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training Supports - Speech Pathologist |
01_700_0118_1_3 | Capacity Building Supports For Early Childhood Interventions - Psychology |
01_701_0128_1_3 | Assessment, Recommendation, Therapy And/Or Training (Incl. AT) - Psychology |
01_720_0118_1_3 | Capacity Building Supports For Early Childhood Interventions - Physiotherapy |
01_721_0128_1_3 | Assessment, Recommendation, Therapy And/Or Training (Incl. AT) - Physiotherapy |
01_740_0118_1_3 | Capacity Building Supports For Early Childhood Interventions - Other Therapy |
01_741_0128_1_3 | Assessment, Recommendation, Therapy And/Or Training (Incl. AT) - Other Therapy |
01_760_0118_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training Supports - Dietitian |
01_760_0128_3_3 | Dietician Consultation And Diet Plan Development |
07_001_0106_8_3 | Support Coordination Level 1: Support Connection |
07_002_0106_8_3 | NDIS Support Coordination - Level 2 |
07_004_0132_8_3 | Support Coordination Level 3: Specialist Support Coordination |
07_101_0106_6_3 | Psychosocial Recovery Coaching - Weekday Daytime |
07_102_0106_6_3 | Psychosocial Recovery Coaching - Weekday Evening |
07_103_0106_6_3 | Psychosocial Recovery Coaching - Weekday Night |
07_104_0106_6_3 | Psychosocial Recovery Coaching - Saturday |
07_105_0106_6_3 | Psychosocial Recovery Coaching - Sunday |
07_106_0106_6_3 | Psychosocial Recovery Coaching - Public Holiday |
07_501_0106_6_3 | Activity Based Transport - Support Coordination |
07_799_0106_6_3 | Provider travel - Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions And Supports - non-labour costs |
07_799_0117_8_3 | Provider travel - Development of Daily Living and Life Skills - non-labour costs |
07_799_0132_8_3 | Provider travel - Specialised Support Coordination - non-labour costs |
08_005_0106_2_3 | Assistance With Accommodation And Tenancy Obligations |
08_590_0106_2_3 | Activity Based Transport - Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions And Supports |
08_799_0106_2_3 | Provider travel - non-labour costs - Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions And Supports |
09_006_0106_6_3 | Life Transition Planning Incl. Mentoring Peer-Support And Indiv Skill Develop |
09_008_0116_6_3 | Innovative Community Participation |
09_009_0117_6_3 | Skills Development And Training |
09_011_0125_6_3 | Community Participation Activities |
09_590_0106_6_3 | Activity Based Transport - Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages - Social and Community Participation |
09_591_0117_6_3 | Activity Based Transport - Development of Daily Living and Life Skills - Social and Community Participation |
09_799_0106_6_3 | Provider travel - CB Social Community and Civic Participation - Assistance in Coordinating or Managing Life Stages, Transitions And Supports - non-labour costs |
09_799_0117_6_3 | Provider travel - CB Development of Daily Living and Life Skills - Social and Community Participation - non-labour costs |
10_002_0106_8_3 | Support Coordination Level 2: Coordination of Supports |
10_011_0128_5_3 | Employment Related Assessment And Counselling |
10_016_0102_5_3 | Employment Support |
10_021_0102_5_3 | School Leaver Employment Supports |
10_101_0106_6_3 | Psychosocial Recovery Coaching - Weekday Daytime |
10_590_0102_5_3 | Activity Based Transport Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education - Work |
10_590_0133_5_3 | Activity Based Transport - Specialised Supported Employment - Work |
10_599_0133_5_3 | Centre Capital Cost - Specialised Supported Employment - CB |
10_799_0102_5_3 | Provider travel - Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education - non-labour costs |
10_799_0128_5_3 | Provider travel - Therapeutic Supports - non-labour costs |
10_799_0133_5_3 | Provider travel - Specialised Supported Employment - non-labour costs |
11_022_0110_7_3 | Specialist Behavioural Intervention Support |
11_023_0110_7_3 | Behaviour Management Plan Including Training in Behaviour Management Strategies |
11_024_0117_7_3 | Individual Social Skills Development |
11_590_0117_7_3 | Activity Based Transport - Development of Daily Living and Life Skills - Relationships |
11_799_0110_7_3 | Provider travel - Specialist Positive Behaviour Support - non-labour costs |
11_799_0117_7_3 | Provider travel - Development of Daily Living and Life Skills - non-labour costs |
12_025_0128_3_3 | Advice provided by a Dietitian on managing diet for health and well-being |
12_027_0126_3_3 | Advice provided by an Exercise Physiologist regarding exercise required |
12_027_0128_3_3 | Exercise Physiology |
12_029_0126_3_3 | Personal training provided by a Personal Trainer to a participant |
12_799_0126_3_3 | Provider travel - CB Health and Wellbeing - Exercise Physiology and Personal Training - non-labour costs |
12_799_0128_3_3 | Provider travel - CB Health and Wellbeing - Therapeutic Supports - non-labour costs |
13_030_0102_4_3 | Transition Through School And To Further Education |
13_590_0102_4_3 | Activity Based Transport - Assistance to Access and Maintain Employment or Higher Education - Lifelong Learning |
13_799_0102_4_3 | Provider travel - CB Lifelong Learning - non-labour costs |
14_033_0127_8_3 | Plan Management - Set Up Costs |
14_034_0127_8_3 | Plan Management - Monthly Fee |
14_799_0127_8_3 | Provider travel - CB Plan Management - non-labour costs |
15_001_0118_1_3 | Early Childhood Supports - Psychologist |
15_003_0118_1_3 | Early Childhood Supports - Physiotherapist |
15_005_0118_1_3 | Early Childhood Supports - Early Childhood Professional |
15_007_0118_1_3 | Early Childhood Supports - Therapy Assistant - Level 1 |
15_008_0118_1_3 | Early Childhood Supports - Therapy Assistant - Level 2 |
15_035_0106_1_3 | Assistance With Decision Making Daily Planning and Budgeting |
15_037_0117_1_3 | Skill Development And Training including Public Transport Training |
15_038_0117_1_3 | NDIS Training For Carers/Parents |
15_043_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Counsellor |
15_045_0128_1_3 | Community Engagement Assistance |
15_046_0129_1_3 | Specialised Driver Training |
15_047_0135_1_3 | Selection And/or Manufacture Of Customised Or Wearable Technology |
15_049_0128_1_3 | Multidisciplinary Team |
15_052_0128_1_3 | Therapy Assistant - Level 1 |
15_053_0128_1_3 | Therapy Assistant - Level 2 |
15_054_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Psychologist |
15_055_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Physiotherapist |
15_056_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Other Professional |
15_062_0128_3_3 | Dietitian Consultation And Diet Plan Development |
15_200_0126_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Exercise Physiologist |
15_200_0128_1_3 | Exercise Physiology |
15_222400911_0124_1_3 | COVID-19 Low Cost AT to support Capacity Building support delivery |
15_300_0103_1_3 | |
15_400_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By An Enrolled Nurse - Weekday Daytime |
15_401_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By An Enrolled Nurse - Weekday Afternoon |
15_402_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By An Enrolled Nurse - Saturday |
15_403_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By An Enrolled Nurse - Sunday |
15_404_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By An Enrolled Nurse - Public Holiday |
15_405_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By An Enrolled Nurse - Active Overnight |
15_406_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Registered Nurse - Weekday Daytime |
15_407_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Registered Nurse - Weekday Afternoon |
15_408_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Registered Nurse - Saturday |
15_409_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Registered Nurse - Sunday |
15_410_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Registered Nurse - Public Holiday |
15_411_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Registered Nurse - Active Overnight |
15_412_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse - Weekday Daytime |
15_413_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse - Weekday Afternoon |
15_414_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse - Saturday |
15_415_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse - Sunday |
15_416_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse - Public Holiday |
15_417_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse - Active Overnight |
15_418_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse Consultant - Weekday Daytime |
15_419_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse Consultant - Weekday Afternoon |
15_420_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse Consultant - Saturday |
15_421_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse Consultant - Sunday |
15_422_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse Consultant - Public Holiday |
15_423_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Clinical Nurse Consultant - Active Overnight |
15_424_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Nurse Practitioner - Weekday Daytime |
15_425_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Nurse Practitioner - Weekday Afternoon |
15_426_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Nurse Practitioner - Saturday |
15_427_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Nurse Practitioner - Sunday |
15_428_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Nurse Practitioner - Public Holiday |
15_429_0114_1_3 | Delivery Of Health Supports By A Nurse Practitioner - Active Overnight |
15_501_0119_1_3 | Audiologist hearing services |
15_502_0134_1_3 | Audiologist hearing services |
15_503_0134_1_3 | Audiometrist hearing services |
15_606_0118_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Counsellor |
15_609_0118_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Exercise Physiologist |
15_610_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Art Therapist |
15_611_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Audiologist |
15_613_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Developmental Educator |
15_615_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Music Therapist |
15_617_0128_1_3 | Occupational Therapist - Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training |
15_618_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Orthoptist |
15_619_0128_1_3 | NDIS Podiatrist |
15_620_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Rehabilitation Counsellor |
15_621_0128_1_3 | Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training - Social Worker |
15_622_0128_1_3 | Speech Pathologist - Assessment Recommendation Therapy or Training |
15_799_0103_6_3 | |
15_799_0114_1_3 | Provider travel - non-labour costs - Community Nursing Care |
15_799_0117_1_3 | Provider travel - non-labour costs - Development of Daily Living and Life Skills |
15_799_0118_1_3 | Provider travel - non-labour costs - Early Intervention Supports for Early Childhood |
15_799_0119_1_3 | Provider travel - non-labour costs - Specialised Hearing Services |
15_799_0126_1_3 | Provider travel - non-labour costs - Exercise Physiology and Personal Training |
15_799_0128_1_3 | Provider travel - non-labour costs - Therapeutic Supports |
15_799_0134_1_3 | Provider travel - non-labour costs - Hearing Services |
15_799_0135_1_3 | Provider travel - non-labour costs - Customised Prosthetics |